About This File
Press F9 (Spooner Mode) and right click your character using the green + symbol and check Enable Frozen In Place & Entity Is In Database.
Navigate to the bottom of the "freemode male" menu and click Ped Options > Animations. Scroll to the bottom of the Animation menu and select All Animations before typing: guard_male_base, click anim@amb@casino@peds@ and click the 21st option on the list (amb_world_human_stand_guard_male_base). This will put your character in an animation.
Once you characters in the animation, feel free to use the Manual Placement setting which is at the bottom of the menu to move your character around.
Once your character is in place click backspace twice and go to Object Spooner, click Spawn Entity Into World and spawn an object in. I often opt to use a red cup (apa_prop_cs_plastic_cup_01). Move the object on the ground close your character.
Right click your character again, scroll down to Task Sequence > Add New > Keep Looking At Entity and hit enter. Hit enter again, check Keep Task Running After Allocated Time and then select the object below.
Hit backspace and press enter on Status to turn the circle green. This should make your character look directly towards the object spawned. You're now able to right click the object again and use the Manual Placement option to raise it up - in line with your character's eyes.
Press F9 again to come out of Spooner Mode, once you've done this then click F1 to start a recording to the Rockstar Editor. Let the recording finish before hitting F1 again to save the recording.
Press ESC, go to Rockstar Editor > Create New Project > Add Clip > Clips by Date and select the top clip using enter. Capture a good angle photo using the Rockstar Editor before taking a screenshot of this.
This next website will be your best friend when it comes to removing the background from your character, it's the free best tool I've been able to find throughout my time making these photos: https://www.erase.bg/upload
Using the template provided, open your photoshop, paint.net etc and use the files provided