Mission Statement:
As civilians, we pride ourselves on story-driven, quality-orientated roleplay. Civilians are expected to think about every action within roleplay, keeping realism and common sense in mind. Civilians are expected to create in-depth backstories for their characters, taking into account the motivations behind each and every action. Every action and interaction should have a thoughtful meaning behind it, when roleplaying it is about “What is my character thinking? How will this impact them and their story?” Civilians are also expected to maintain a high level of maturity when roleplaying, keeping in-game and out-of-game emotions separate. -
Message From the Civilian Director
Thank you for your interest in Civilian Operations. I'd like too firstly welcome you, If you are visiting as a current member of our community or just browsing as a future applicant., we thank you for being apart of a evergrowing community as this. I'd like too say that the Civilian Command of our department is dedicated too you and your experiences within the community. We aim too treat all members of our community with the same level of respect, equality and and proffesionalism as any other would receive.
Thank you.
Civilian Director Cooper M.
Civilian Jobs